Future Nat Prod. 2018;4(2): 26-32.
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Original article

Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of Shirazi Thymus vulgaris essential oil

Zahra Nemati 1*, Rasoul Barzegar 1, Maryam Khosravinezhad 1, Ebrahim Talebi 2*, Hamid Reza Safaei 1

1 Applied Chemistry Dept., Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Fars, I.R. Iran
2 Darab Branch, Islamic Azad University, Darab, Fars, I.R. Iran
*Corresponding Authors: Zahra Nemati. Applied Chemistry Dpet., Shiraz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz, Fars, I.R. Iran; Tel: 00989174844255,, Email: nemati_232000@yahoo.com; Ebrahim Talebi. Darab Branch, Islamic Azad University, Darab, Fars, I.R. Iran; Tel: 00989177312823,, Email: talebi226@iaudarab.ac.ir


Background and aims: Coinciding with the rise of human population, the use of medicinal plants began by ancient peoples as medicine, poison, detergent, food and paint upon it.

Methods: In present study, the chemical composition and antioxidant activity of Shirazi thyme, T. vulgaris, essential oil was analyzed by three methods (DPPH, potassium ferricyanide reaction and CUPRAC methods) and comparison with TBHQ method for determination of reducing power of T. vulgaris essential oil by potassium ferricyanide method. Phytochemical composition of T. vulgaris essential oil was identified by GC/Mass device.

Results: The results showed that T. vulgaris essential oil has a good potential against oxidants even near to TBHQ. The essential oils of this plant are Thymol (40.02%) and Carvacrol (18.31%).

Conclusion: The results of antioxidant activity of Thymus vulgaris using three methods and comparison with TBHQ (Tertiary butyl hydroquinone) showed Thymus vulgaris essential oil have a good potential for scavenging of free radicals similar to TBHQ

How to cite the article: Nemati Z, Barzegar R, Khosravinezhad M, Talebi E, Safaei H. Chemical composition and antioxidant Activity of Shirazi Thymus vulgaris essential oil. Adv Herb Med. 2017; 3(2): 26-32.
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Submitted: 10 May 2017
Accepted: 24 Jul 2017
ePublished: 30 Apr 2018
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